A list of free sprites since 2007.
To use as you please (edit, modify, recolor, re-clothe, etc)
Teacher at a podium. Four emotions.

Ayame (four emotions)
To use as you please (edit, modify, recolor, re-clothe, etc)
Teacher at a podium. Four emotions.

Ayame (four emotions)
Ayame's Sister. Two emotions.
Wendy. Eight distinct Emotions.
Peter. Five emotions.
Fiona, 7 (or 8?) emotions.
She needs a little cleaning up around the head
to be used in dark settings.
Judy, Jewel version. Two poses.
This is my favorite version of Judy to date.
The sky in the morning, mid-noon, sunset, and night time.
Ye old game demo (less than 5 minutes of gameplay):
Windows: http://www.mediafire.com/?30ahike66mp53fi
Mac: http://www.mediafire.com/?uns34ibwvlloi3w
Linux: http://www.mediafire.com/?8h2xjllrglfjyu4
And last but not least, a game to recommend:
A facinating visual presentation.
Future freebies to be categorized under the Label "freebies"
Hello I'm trying to make a vn using Ren'Py and since I thought it'd be nice to tell the creator/creators I'll be using some of their characters :) Thank you for making them usable :)